Cover V2 Product Paper Release

Cover Protocol
2 min readFeb 24, 2021



Cover Protocol’s long term vision has and always will be to allow anyone to buy coverage on anything. Cover Protocol V2 (Cover V2) takes us one step further towards that vision.

Cover V2 improves upon multiple aspects of V1 in the following ways:

  • Addresses concerns raised from V1, including capital efficiency and granular coverage.
  • Expansion into real world risky asset coverage (phase 1: natural disaster coverage).
  • Open the doors for projects to provide coverage of their products at point of interaction by their end users and create their own coverage markets.

The fundamental model of Cover remains unchanged. It still offers coverage with fungible tokens while letting the market set coverage prices.

With Cover V2 as the foundation, two product lines will be enabled.

  • Peer-to-peer coverage market. Same as V1, anyone can become a market maker, provide coverage, and purchase coverage for listed risks on Cover Protocol.
  • Cover money market. It provides an option to users where they don’t need to worry about expiries of coverage and can streamline the purchase of coverage.
    ◦ Public cover money market, where anyone can provide and purchase coverage.
    ◦ Private & Semi-private money market where only whitelisted users can provide and/or purchase coverage from the market. It is catered to projects that want to provide affordable coverage to their users at the point of entry.

Read more about the detailed product paper here.

The Development and Timeline

Based on our previous experience with the contract audits, we will release V2 in multiple batches. The progress of contracts are the main indicator of release dates.

Cover Core V2 Release

Cover Core V2 is currently in auditing. The last date of expected initial audit reports is March 15th. The contracts can be expected to be deployed on Mainnet in April.

  • V2 UI developments start this week. The goal is to complete the UI development with the contracts.
  • Cover Order Books are also in development right now. It will be released along with core V2, if not earlier.
  • Backend and other preparation will also go along with the contracts’ progress.

Cover Money Market Release

The money market contracts are in development; expected to be completed in March and sent to auditors. We have a reserved slot with Trail of Bits that starts May 12th in the case an earlier audit can not be booked. The release date will completely depend on the progress of the audits.

Other Cover Protocol Release Dates

We don’t have a concrete date for any releases (including xCOVER whose dev work is complete and currently being audited). Please follow our accounts and updates closely. We will update the moment we have the dates ourselves.



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