Leading Up To November 20th
November 15th, 2020–12:00AM UTC (~4 hours from now)
- Coverage will expire on the following Curve.fi covTokens.
- COVER_Curve_2020_11_15_DAI_0_CLAIM
- COVER_Curve_2020_11_15_DAI_0_NOCLAIM
2. Prior to the 11/15/2020 expiration date you may redeem back your collateral with equivalents amounts of your CLAIM and NOCLAIM. This can be done on the redeem page. Select Curve coverage, the 11/15/2020 expiration date and the amount of collateral you want to receive back.
After November 15th, 2020–12:00AM UTC
- Minting covTokens will not be allowed for Curve.fi coverage on 11/15/2020, 12:00 AM (UTC)
- NO claims can be submitted anymore.
- CLAIM tokens will expire worthless.
- You will be able to redeem your full collateral back with the amount of NOCLAIM tokens you have. There will be a redeem delay of 1 day. Starting on November 16th 12 AM (UTC), all NOCLAIM tokens will be redeemable for their full collateral amount (with no redemption fees).
- A REDEEM button will show up for the covTokens that are eligible for collateral redemption in the Dashboard under “My Cover” after the delay period.
November 20th, 2020–12:00AM UTC
For the official launch on November 20th, we will be redeploying all Cover Protocol smart contracts. The beta app will remain active, but will be moved to https://beta.coverprotocol.com. If you still have outstanding Curve NOCLAIM tokens, these will still be redeemable for their full collateral on the beta site.
The official protocol launch, newly deployed smart contracts, and Shield Mining will be active at https://app.coverprotocol.com.